Bank News & Financial Literacy
It's Always Been a Matter of Trust
A Note from our CEO, Scott Soderberg
The start of a new year brings with it not only a reflection upon the last one, but also a natural tendency to take stock of where you are in life in an overall sense—within your family structure, in the progress of your career, as a citizen of the area you call home, or in any number of other respects. It doesn’t take too long to figure out that where you currently sit is very likely not your destination. It’s really just a snapshot taken along the way on your life’s journey.
This type of reflection also brings with it, I would argue, thoughts about how you got to where you are and how you will get to where you want to go. Who were the people that helped you? Who do you see as an important confidante in successfully reaching those next milestones? Whoever you’ve thought about in this analysis, they are all very likely to share a common trait—trustworthiness.
Trust is earned. The trusted person usually has similar life experiences to yours, shares your values, and has come through for you when needed most. Trust is crucial when the decision to be made or the milestone to be chosen is an important life event like starting or expanding a business, buying or remodeling a home, furthering your education, or putting your hard-earned dollars to work in a safe and sound account/investment.
We at FNC Bank understand what “relationship banking” truly means. We have been a trusted financial partner in making these important life choices for over 105 years. We know what’s important to you because we have always been here, we understand the significance of these decisions in your life, and that each customer has unique needs. We pride ourselves on tailoring our products and customer service to fit your situation, not ours. That’s what trusted partners do—find a way to help you reach your goals. Whether it’s you or someone you know taking another step on the journey, we’d love the opportunity to show you what we mean. Thank you for your business, and most of all, for your trust.