Why Choose FNC Bank

One Lender From Start to Finish

Buying, building or refinancing a home is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make. And selecting the right mortgage partner can be crucial to finding the right loan product within your budget. At FNC Bank, our priority is making your loan process a smooth one.

It starts with the right lender.

Getting into your dream home isn’t about us – it’s about you. At FNC Bank, you’ll work with lenders that take time getting to know you and understand your unique financial goals. Gaining this understanding helps our lenders lead you to the best mortgage solution for your situation and budget. You’ll also benefit from lenders that know the local market; have expertise and access to the most desired loan types; and are connected to top realtors, contractors and title companies that are key to the success of your home purchase.

It continues with loan processing.

If you’ve ever purchased a home, you know there is a significant level of paperwork involved. Many lenders send this paperwork to multiple people at numerous off-site (often out-of-state) locations. When you work with FNC Bank, our in-house underwriting and loan processing team handles your loan from start to finish. You’ll value accelerated turnaround times, attention to detail, and personalized interaction that often comes from having essential staff under one roof.

It stays with FNC Bank.

Have you ever had your mortgage payments moved from company to company within the first few years of your loan?  At FNC Bank, we hold all the servicing of our loans in-house rather than sell the servicing rights like many other mortgage companies do. We pride ourselves in maintaining top-notch service throughout the life of your loan. The only way we can ensure this is to oversee the loan from application to loan payoff.

At FNC Bank, you'll start with us and finish with us!
Talk to a Mortgage Lender to get started!

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